Four Wedding Songs so Over-Used They Should be Avoided

wedding songs

You may be wondering why we are talking about beautiful, memorable, popular wedding songs that should be avoided but this is a prime example of too much of a good thing. It is like when you love a new song that just started playing on the radio stations and then after a few weeks of hearing it several times a day every day you are sick of it and cannot enjoy it as much anymore. That’s what’s wrong with these pieces of music. They’re used as wedding ceremony songs so frequently that they’ve lost a lot of their power, emotional weight, and appeal. No bride or groom wants their wedding to be boring, so why would they choose boring music? If you want to avoid the common overplayed music of weddings big and small then you may want to steer clear of these four wedding songs:

Pachelbel’s Canon in D

If there is one song people associate with weddings it is this one. We’ve all heard it – even if you have never been to a wedding yourself you have heard it on videos and movies and TV shows where a wedding takes place. It has been used to death! What’s worse, couples often misspell it as Pachabel’s Canon or Pakabel’s Canon. It’s popular because it’s gracefully simple, instrumental, and memorable. It is so strongly associated with weddings that some couples fee it is almost a rule that is has to be used for the wedding music but that is not the case at all!  It’s a song that’s appropriate for both church and secular weddings, and is commonly listed in wedding guides. The problem is it is old, boring, and overused so you would be better off with something new and different that is still classy and elegant!

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring

This is an example of wedding songs that might be so popular because it is so adaptable. Parts of the song are fast and upbeat and others are slow and graceful making it easy to fit a range of wedding moments. The song as a whole is easily adapted to fit the speed, tone, and mood of your wedding as well. Many famous and well-known singers including Josh Groban, Renée Fleming, and Celtic Woman have covered the song. It is also the inspiration for many songs including the Beach Boys song Lady Lynda which is based on the tune, but with different words. So, guests will know the song, even if they cannot place exactly where they have heard it before and while it might not immediately scream ‘wedding’ to some gusts thy won’t be in awe of your creativity or personality showing through in your music choice!

Here Comes the Bride

Also known in the music community as Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin, little girls hum this song to themselves for decades as they play house and dram about their wedding day. It’s been used everywhere by everyone and when it plays there is no amazement and surprise. Everyone knows the song, what it sounds like, what it means, and many end up just going through the motions of the procession due to the automatic response it often triggers. This song has a darker backstory as well: Wagner, the composer, was a well know and outspoken anti-Semite and much of his work was frequently used by Hitler and the Nazis. Furthermore, in the opera Lohengrin, this song is sung to celebrate a very short-lived doomed marriage. Not exactly the feeling and tone you want to start off your marriage with is it?

Felix Mendelssohn’s Wedding March for A Midsummer Night’s Dream

This is perhaps the most well known and most popular wedding recessional that is used in weddings today. It was popularized when Queen Victoria’s daughter used it in her 1858 wedding. Since that wedding, where the idea of white flowy dress, traditional music, and an elaborate ceremony we first embraced by the general public, this song has been used everywhere! It’s the quintessential wedding song for the dramatic moment when the happy couple walks back down the aisle together now as husband and wife- or husband and husband, or wife and wife. That drama and flare is almost required and people expect to hear that song played at that moment, and this really makes it familiar and makes it kind of fall flat when you really think about it and when you realize how many other choices are out there!

Wedding Songs Rules Are Made to Be Broken

Do you love the old traditional pieces and do you like the sounds of ’normal’  pieces of music used in weddings? If you do, then go ahead and use it! There is no shame in that and no harm- it is your wedding so you should feel free to do what you want for your special day.  These pieces are classic and popular for good reason – they’re beautiful and memorable. Traditional works if that is what you want. New and exciting works if that is what you want. Extravagant and fancy works if that is what you want. Simple and laid-back works if that is what you want.  All that matters is that you both as a couple like the music an feel good about the choice you make for wedding songs to consider.

Contact Cashmere Dreams

If you need a helping hand to get through the music planning part of your wedding plans then give us a call! We can help you find the musical scores that are best suited for your unique wedding ceremony. No matter how big or small your wedding may be, we are here to help so call us today and schedule a consultation appointment with our wedding planning team!  Please feel free to contact us here at Cashmere Dreams by e-mail or phone with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have about your upcoming wedding and let us assist you through the process. We will be happy to answer your questions and offer professional planning assistance for your special day. Call now to schedule your consultation appointment at Cashmere Dreams!

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