How to Choose a Baby Shower Planner


Be it wedding and engagements to birthdays, stage performances and conferences too, the list of happenings that event planners are held responsible for is truly endless. Did we mention the all-time favorite baby shower too?

Yes, you heard that right, baby showers have been at the top of the list in terms of their popularity amongst the masses. After all, pregnancy definitely means putting an end to parties but this is one celebration that’s worth everyone’s while, especially the expecting couple.

From love, good wishes and attention to gifts, food, and entertainment galore, a baby shower has a number of attractions that require intricate planning. This necessitates all the more need for a baby shower planner.

This season, we’re going all out for soon to be parents in terms of tips and tricks from the experts regarding how they can choose the best shower planner of their dreams. So let’s not waste any more time and help you turn your baby shower into something magical and truly worth cherishing.


Baby shower planning isn’t easy and that’s exactly why you need a professional by all means

Being part of a couple’s celebratory journey is an absolute delight. At the same time, being in charge of their baby shower festivities is a whole other ballgame. It comes with immense responsibility and should not be taken lightly. After all, baby shower is the welcoming of a new bundle of joy, a blessing that couples have longed for. With expectant mothers dealing with the daily troubles of pregnancy and the fathers trying to balance work with home, expectations to handle an event like a baby shower are at an all-time high.


Personal quality traits to looks for in your party event planner

First impressions are definitely the last impressions, especially when you’re hiring an event planner for your baby shower. It’s critical to judge whether or not your selection has the capabilities to perform the task at large. This can be assessed with ease by searching for the following personal or character traits on the first meet and greet session.

  • An individual that enjoys working in the presence of others
  • Someone who would like to be an integral part of another individual’s life
  • An individual that is kind-hearted, loving, caring and can adapt to organizational abilities
  • Someone who depicts immense creative flair
  • Above all, an individual that adores babies, children and the celebrations that come with being a mommy to be



Understand thoroughly what’s involved in planning a baby shower

Just when you think you’ve nailed a candidate that’s going to be planning your next baby shower, it’s essential to understand exactly what the duties related to proper baby shower planning encompass. Only then will you be able to state your requirements in front of your candidate. No one likes to leave mid way, especially when they were never told of their responsibilities from day one.

  • Be able to create and come up with creative ideas relating to baby shower themes and innovative ideas
  • Be at the top of your game when it comes to the best party or event planning services imaginable
  • Be able to understand and adapt to the various needs of pregnant women as well as families that arise from a series of unique and diverse background and budgets
  • Keep traditional as well as practices that are related to non-traditional aspects of baby shower events
  • Brainstorm strategies that are related to creative, fun and memorable aspects of baby showers. This includes the celebration of the new baby’s arrival and the sentiments associated with the new mother.


Your objective is of the essence in the event planning process

Do you plan on following a beach bonanza baby shower theme at your next event or maybe an outdoor boho chic theme seems to tickle your fancy? Whatever your choice may be, it’s important to have a clear frame of mind when interviewing candidates for the position of your party expert. Be smart and test out the candidates who are here for the vacancy. See if they’re willing to rise up to the challenge that’s put forth in front of them. Above all, see how they manage to rise above that challenge by brainstorming ideas on the spot. It’s always a good idea to provide details from the start as your lead objective and then get a taste of how creative your potential baby shower planner is.

Set out a budget and allow your designated planner to work well within it

One of the top rules for good event planning is working within a tight budget. And by that, we mean covering all aspects of the event without having to break the balance. Smart planning and good execution are what a great baby shower planner should be able to pull off without much trouble. And your job as the hirer revolves around explaining your desired objectives with the exact budget in mind. How your planner manages to strike a sensible pose against fulfilling your objectives, delivering top-notch performance and working their way to absolute glory can be determined in a few days. And that’s exactly why experts deem budget to be the crowning glory of baby shower planning success.


Ask your baby shower planner to provide you with a checklist of things to do

A checklist is so important for more reasons than one. Having a good agenda and the right frame of mind can do wonders when it comes to throwing the event of your dreams. And a baby shower is no exception. Get your party planner on board into making a checklist from the start and you’ll thank us for all the reasons why.

Start with the date and the time of event, the venue and décor, followed by food, games and other forms of entertainment. Did we mention the cake, goodie bags and any other unique surprises for guests to enjoy too? Understand that last-minute hiccups can only be avoided through this method. That’s exactly why asking your baby shower planner to provide you with a checklist regarding how they manage on pulling off your event to absolute perfection should be at the top of your cards.


A follow up is one of the most important pointers for baby shower planning success

While your event planner is in control of making things happen, you are the boss after all and have full authority to make amendments where you find necessary. That’s exactly why experts deem it essential to embark upon a follow up for sheer event planning success. We’re talking complete and routinely checkups regarding food and drink, décor and other vendors involved. See how much progress has been made and where your party expert is lacking. Feel free to voice your opinion and give feedback with things you love and others not so much.

Remember, follows ups not only ensure your baby shower planner is aware of the fact that they’re being monitored, but it also gives them the chance to prove themselves before the big event actually arrives. It’s a two-way working relationship and results are bound to come beyond satisfactory with this method.

For help planning your baby shower, contact us today and see why we are the name more people trust for their baby shower planning needs!

Cover image: Freepik

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